Lokahi Saturday Classes to Resume

Dear Lokahi Members,

I hope this finds you well.

I would like to resume our Saturday classes at the Patsy Mink Regional Park in Waipio. As before, the classes will be 10:30 – 11:30 am to accommodate the teaching of the Lokahi children’s class online. We will begin one week from tomorrow, January 30, in the same location close to the upper park entrance. You can park in the dirt lot near the swimming pool. We will continue with bokken, jo, oneness rhythm and 3-minute exercise.

I realize that not everyone is able to attend these classes. Saturday morning seems to be the practical time for most people, so for now we’ll keep it this way. Please let me know if you have any questions about this.

I look forward to seeing some of you next weekend in the park.

Charles Boyer

Passing of Naluai Sensei

Dear Lokahi Members,

It is with a heavy heart that I share the news of the passing of Clayton Naluai Sensei.

So many people have been touched by this wonderful man. I was far from a perfect student in my relationship with Naluai Sensei. Nevertheless, I truly came to understand and love him in recent years.

We can only hope to share with others the love that he shared with us. Sensei, you are forever in our hearts!

Charles Boyer

Lokahi Classes to Resume

Dear Lokahi Members,

I hope this finds everyone healthy and safe.

It has been many months since we last saw each other in class. Now with the state’s tiered re-opening underway it is time to resume some type of regular in-person class. At this time, I’m considering this only for adults (we will continue to have Children’s class via Zoom).

To begin, I would like to schedule class outdoors at our very spacious Patsy Mink Regional Central Park (in Waipio). I realize that this might be a bit of a drive for some of you, but this park is very large, with nicely maintained fields, suitable for practicing bokken/jo, hitori waza, 3-minute exercise and oneness rhythm. This will be the plan for now. We will integrate Ki testing and Ki-Aikido at a later time, when we’re able to return to the mat.

I would like to begin this coming Sunday, November 1st, at 9:30am. This first class will be one hour. If we find that more time would be better, we can extend the classes after that.

I’m attaching a couple of maps to help everyone locate the park and the area where we can gather (and the parking area). The red square marks the general location of the park. The arrows in the other file show the way to the parking lot coming up Kamehameha Hwy from H1. (You can also reach the park from H2, exit 2 – Ka Uka Blvd). The circle is where we will gather to practice. It is around a 25-30 minute drive from Honolulu.

I recommend that everyone dress in exercise clothes (not gi) and wear sneakers or similar footwear suitable for moving in grass. Feel free to wear a hat and please use sunscreen. Of course, outdoor practice will depend on the weather. I will send a message if the weather does not allow us to practice, so if you’re not sure, please check your email. Please bring water.

We will maintain social-distancing of 6 or more feet during the class. Regarding facial coverings, I observed a baseball practice last weekend and the players were not wearing masks so I think it is fine to practice outdoors without one. If you would like to wear one, please do.

I will need some help from someone to retrieve our bokken and jo from the dojo. If someone is available to do this, please let me know.

Please let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to seeing many (if not all) of you this weekend.


Charles Boyer

Lokahi Zoom Classes

Dear Lokahi Members and Friends of Lokahi Dojo,

I hope this finds everyone well.

I’m giving an update on our Dojo activity. Because of the most recent directives from our local officials, our plans to begin training in a park has been put on hold until the parks are open. I will look into organizing something – most likely on the weekend – once the parks are available for regular use. Also:

Last Tuesday was our last regular Lokahi adult Zoom class until further notice. We had nice attendance with some people joining us from other islands and from Europe. I’m sorry to have to halt it, but my work schedule won’t permit me to do weekday meetings.

However, Gloria Faltstrom has graciously agreed to include any adults who wish to continue practicing 3-minute exercise in her Saturday children’s Zoom class. It meets at 8:30 am. Please contact her directly for meeting access information.

Maui Dojo Zoom classes with Curtis Sensei continue with their normal schedule. They have provided great opportunities to practice breathing and meditation, along with lively discussion and interesting commentary.

I will keep you posted with further updates as things develop. Please stay safe during this challenging time.


Charles Boyer

June Lokahi Update

Dear Lokahi Members,

I hope this finds everyone well as the community slowly regains its activity.

I would like to provide an update about Lokahi classes. For now, we continue to suspend our in-person classes, but we are looking at dates that we could return to our dojo classes. I’ve been in touch with the Jodo Mission, and they are beginning to allow use of the halls under very strict safety guidelines (including limited numbers of people, use of facial coverings and so forth).

I’m also paying close attention to the plans of the HKF Chief Instructor, Chris Curtis Sensei, regarding his dojo on Maui. Their in-person classes remain suspended as well, but they are considering various dates for returning to activity.

We will continue to run our online class on Zoom on Tuesday evenings. All members are welcome.

The Maui Zoom classes also continue for the time being.

I appreciate everyone’s patience as we emerge from this unprecedented situation. I’m confident that we will return to activity sometime during the summer, and I will be sure to let you know when that will be.


Charles Boyer

Lokahi Classes Remain Virtual though End of April

Dear Lokahi Members,

I hope you’re all doing well in these challenging circumstances.

I’m writing this brief note to confirm that Lokahi Dojo is following Governor Ige’s directive and will continue to meet only remotely until at least the start of May.

I will be sure to update you when we’re ready to resume face-to-face classes. In the meantime, of course, everyone is welcome to join us online for our Tuesday Zoom classes (information shared in a separate message).

I appreciate your understanding as we get through this. The good news is that our perseverance in staying home and apart seems to be paying off.


Charles Boyer

Lokahi Classes Canceled Until April 15

Dear Lokahi Members,

I hope this finds you healthy and safe.

I’m writing to inform you that Lokahi will suspend all classes (children and adult) for the next 4 weeks, until April 15, effective immediately. I’ve written a separate email to our Lokahi parents and I want you to know as well that our foremost concern is the health and welfare of our members in making this decision. Other dojos in the Hawaii Ki Federation, including the Maui Dojo, are beginning to take similar steps.

Any membership dues payments that have been made for the month of March will be applied to April. If there is a need to extend the suspension of classes, I will communicate that via email.

Please stay safe as we navigate this difficult time. With perseverance and calmness, we will be all right.

Charles Boyer