A Spirit-Led Life

. . . When our mind and body are unified and calm, our Reiseishin manifests itself completely. Once this happens all suffering and wicked desires fall away. And the Universal Mind of love and protection for all things appears in us. Let us strive to realize Reiseishin.

                                                                                    ~Ki Saying #17 – Koichi Tohei


. . .  If you open your Heart and Mind, if you don’t let the fear of the unknown limit you, the world expands. Love your neighbor and God will love you.

~Author Unknown.


. . . The fruit of the spirit is Love, Joy, Peace, Long Suffering, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control. Against such there is no law.  If we live in the spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Then we won’t need to look for honors and popularity, provoking one another, envying one another, which leads to hard feelings.

~Gal. 5:22, 23, 25, 26



Many, many, many years ago I was going through some tribulations and trials overwhelmed by but enduring what seemed to be life-changing crises immobilized in a place of darkness. Everything seemed to be falling apart. Spiritually, mentally, and emotionally I was devastated.  I was a black belt, a star (some people say, A Big Star), and I was despondent. Night after night I performed with my fellow cohorts, and heard the applause of thousands of people a year. I appeared enthralling and captivating, yet that sense of emptiness kept gnawing at my insides.

Then I decided to have a talk with one of my mentors. There’s a clue. Many times we think we can work out our dark moments by ourselves. I thought that, too. This is what I found out—I need a mentor. I’ve had five mentors through the years, three of them are still living. I encourage you to find a mentor. So, I met with my mentor. After revealing and exposing the absolute truth of my story she compassionately with assertiveness, shared a simple, yet powerful, life-changing message that has stayed with me through the years and continues to and add value to my life.

She said, Clay, get out of you head. It’s full of stuff! Fear! Go to where it’s empty of fear. Go to your “Na’au”—the core of your being—where Aloha resides.

Let go of your fear.
It will destroy you.
Nurture your seed of Aloha.
It will restore you.

Auntie Alice passed on over 25 years ago, and her message lives on. So, from Auntie Alice, through me, to you. She says, “Eh, you! Get out of your head. It’s full of you know what—fear! Go to where there is no fear. Go to your Na’au—to the core of your being—where Aloha resides.



About The Author

For over fifty years now I have been a student of Master Koichi Tohei. A founding member of Lokahi Ki Society, I now serve as Senior Advisor and currently hold the rank of 6th Dan Black Belt in Shin Shin Toitsu Aikido. For over five decades, throughout the USA, I have dedicated myself to creating programs for people to experience the spiritual power they naturally have through the unification of Mind and Body. I hope to support you in putting the power you naturally possess into action so you may experience an expansion of harmony, joy, and Love in your daily life, to give you an opportunity to create a better world and contribute to the lives of others.


1 thought on “A Spirit-Led Life

  1. Aloha Sensei/Uncle Clayton..lol

    I so enjoyed the 2 classes I took with you. You are a treasure. Thank you for your love and aloha. Can’t wait to study more with you, I wish it was everyday.

    much love and aloha,


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